Credit Trader

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As a Credit Trader, your role involves executing trades related to credit instruments, managing risk, and ensuring efficient order execution. You’ll work closely with other traders, analysts, and middle-office teams.Here are the key responsibilities:

Trade Execution:

  • Execute trades accurately and efficiently
  • Handle hard and local currency-denominated credit instruments.
  • Ensure correct ticket entry, order routing, and settlement.

Risk Management:

  • Monitor market conditions and adjust trading strategies accordingly.
  • Assess credit risk associated with different instruments.
  • Collaborate with risk management teams to mitigate risks.

Data Analysis and Reporting:

  • Analyze financial market trends, data, and charts.
  • Reconcile daily and monthly reports.
  • Provide trade support and resolve settlement issues.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, or related fields.
  • 5-8 years experience in credit/equity/structured products trading.
  • Strong analytical skills and attention to detail.
  • Familiarity with financial models and trading platforms.
2024年5月20日 16:45
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